Written + Directed by Zanah Thirus
The Research
Many Millennials and Gen Z adults are redefining what it means to be an American. The ‘New Americana’ is represents a cultural shift towards a renewed interest in traditional American values and aesthetics, while also incorporating contemporary influences and ideas.
The Insight
As progressive as American culture is for most Women, many brides to be still revert to oppressive traditions when it comes to their romantic lives and wedding ceremonies.
The Project
Balancing satire with sincerity, Zanah Thirus’ The Love You Want Exists teases its characters while also allowing space for serious thought, and true to its name, warm romance. Running to 24 minutes, the often fourth wall breaking comedy centres on Elyssa and Marcus who have taken on the arduous task of separating commitment from oppressive structures that have traditionally held them up. The result is a self-aware exercise in conviction.